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Daily Health News Magazine
Daily Health News is an online magazine covering the latest health news events.
Featured Health Conditions
Back pain is an uncomfortable and often debilitating experience.
Dry eye syndrome is a condition that causes your eyes to feel dry and irritated.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus that can cause genital warts and cancer.
Hypertension is more common in men than women and African-Americans than Caucasians.
Health Zone

What’s the Difference Between Back Pain and Kidney Stone Pain
When it comes to pain, there are different types and different causes. What might feel like a muscle ache in your back could be something

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss – Common Symptoms and Treatment
One common hearing loss type is noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). NIHL can be caused by loud noise exposure at work, at home, or in leisure

What is Ischemic Stroke and Its Symptoms
A stroke takes place when there is an interruption in the brain’s blood supply. This can happen due to a clot in an ischemic stroke

Strength Training You Can Do If You Have Osteoarthritis
Strength training for people with Osteoarthritis or other joint problems can make these parts of the body stronger, reduce pain, and delay or prevent the

Signs That Say You Have High Functioning Autism
High-functioning autistic individuals serve an important role as guardians, nurses, and caregivers, often serving as employers. It’s vital for society to recognize these individuals as